• Welcome to Coro Group

    We study the development
    process across multiple perspectives

    If you are interested in seeing improvements in this challenging area, then:
    "Your mission is our mission"

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About Us

We are a group of researchers who study the development process across multiple perspectives with a systems approach. In our opinion, institutions, technologies and citizens in a dialectical relationship with governments at different levels play a central role.

The geographical and environmental background, in the globalization as it has been achieved in our day, are the critical context that any human action should always consider.

We are based in Europe and our main concern is the positioning of the European Union in the greater region, including the neighborhood areas, i.e. the Mediterranean and the Eastern countries.


Our Team

Globalization is the product of our global heritage. Sure, western history is unique with the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and the development of the New World.
But there is a chain of intellectual relations that link Western mathematics and science to non-western practitioners like the 9th century Arab mathematicians ... Take the printing of the world's first book. The technology was Chinese. The book, "The Diamond Sutra" was an Indian Sanskrit treatise. And it was translated into Chinese by a half-Turk!
The real issue is inequality both between and within countries. The global environment is ... the world's biggest market failure. Global economic crime is also growing dramatically, ...
There is an urgent need for both international and national reforms to improve the distribution of the benefits of globalization.

Amartya Sen - How to judge globalism (2002)

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