Scientific Article in World Economic Association -WEA- Book (2020)
The Green Economy: a Technological Option Against Economic Crisis?
The global economic crisis is long-lasting and seems without prospects. The ‘green economy’ proposes an alternative basket of products with respect to the standard one that is actually available for consumption and investment in the 21st century industrial economies.
Is it the green economy a smart solution for an alternative growth path that brings with it a sustainable economic development? Are the available policy instruments enough to reach this structural change into the economy on time?
The present paper raises several questions related to the possible evolution of the economic crisis in current economic and political context. What seams emerging as new in the mainstream attempt to govern the difficulties involved, is the proposal of the so-called green economy and the linked sustainable development policy strategy. This is evident in actual EU policy strategy by European Commission and documents published by UN agencies.
Edoardo Pizzoli
Published 21 Jun 2020 by WEA Books